Make sure that lists are formatted with a list element

Lists emphasize important points in a text. A list often has a different design. Parts of a list are formatted with a bullet or a number.

Structure that is only conveyed through design cannot be perceived (or not properly perceived) by visitors who are blind or partially sighted. For these visitors it is important to also record structure in the code. For example, software can also determine the structure and the relationships on the web page.

Visitors who use a screen reader can navigate through a list more easily. For example, screen readers indicate how many items are in the list and offer the option to skip the list completely.

Make sure lists are formatted with a list element. There are different types of lists: a bulleted list (<​ul>), a numbered list (<​ol>), and a descriptive list (<​dl>).

Bulleted list

Items in a bulleted list are preceded by a bullet character such as a bullet or dash. Use bullet points when the order of the items in the list is not important.

It looks like this in the code:


Numbered list

Items in a numbered list are preceded by a number. Use numbered lists when the order of the items on the list is important.

It looks like this in the code:


Description list

Use a description list for lists that consist of a name, a term, or a concept with a description that goes with it. For example, it can be used for a glossary of terms. In a description list, the <dt> element is used to indicate a term and the <dd> element is used to indicate the description.

It looks like this in the code:


In a CMS, you can select a text and mark it as a list. You can choose between a bulleted or a numbered list. This automatically formats the text with the correct HTML element.

Note: A description list is not always supported.